Friday, August 17, 2012

Advantages of non conventional energy sources

1.       It is politically, economically and environmentally secure
2.       It takes less construction time than compared to non renewable energy plants.
3.       Environmental issues; no acid rain, greenhouse effect, no toxic  life hazards.
4.       Economically it is less costly compared to other sources
5.       Renewable energy source is reliable
6.       Since the construction and other costs are lower than compared to other forms of energy. It is affordable as well.
7.       It gives increased independence and growth without increase environmental impact
8.       Renewable systems based on solar, wind hydro and biomass energy are particularly applicable to rural communities that are not linked to national or regional utility system and that have dispersed populations, as are often found in developing countries.
9.       Renewable energy had applications around the globe, industrialized and developing nations, rich and poor, regardless of political orientation or culture- all nations can benefit from global transition to clean energy source.
10.   Salvaging convertible currency resources by substitute imported fuels
11.   Managing rural energy crisis
12.   Reducing backbreaking work of the rural population by cutting down the time required to collect and used traditional forms of energy and can also provide a cleaner cooking environment for rural women

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