Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wind energy-Disadvantages of wind energy

Wind energy
Wind energy is one of the most flexible and tractable of all energy sources, since the mechanical energy derived directly from the wind can be readily and efficiently converted to other forms of energy.
The efficiency of converting wind derived mechanical energy to heat or electrical energy is usually much higher for instance, then the efficiency of converting solar or fuel-derived heat energy to mechanical energy or electrical energy, since the mechanical or electrical energy are limited by the relatively low Carnot cycle efficiencies, which even under optimum conditions usually do not exceed 30 to 35%.
Disadvantages of wind energy

  1. Disadvantages of wind energy
  2. Wind energy available in dilute and fluctuating in nature
  3. Unlike water energy, wind energy needs storage capacity because of its irregularity
  4. Wind energy systems are noisy in operation; a large unit can be heard many kilometers away
  5. Wind power systems have they involve the construction of a high tower and include also gear box, a hub and pitch changer, a generator coupling shaft etc.
  6. Large areas are needed, typically, propellers 1 to 3 m in diameter, deliver power in the 30 to 300 w ranges
  7. Present systems are neither maintainable free nor practically reliable.

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