Sunday, August 19, 2012

Micro hydro power up to 100 kw

Micro hydro power up to 100 kw
An indigenous and renewable source of energy for which the potential exists in almost the whole hindu-kush Himalayan region, which includes Afghanistan, Bhutan, china, india, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan. Micro hydro are the small scale decentralized water power which is less than 100 kw but womewhere it can also be found less than 300kw
  1. Very small micro hydropower up to 8 kw
  2. Small micro hydropower 8 to 20 kw
  3. Medium micro hydro power 20 to 50 kw
  4. Large micro hydro power 50 to 100 mw
  1. Supply of electricity pre-demand of people
  2. Enhance HP, development to meet energy needs required for industrial development
  3. Encourage nation and international and private sector investment.
  4. Conserve the environment

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