Friday, August 17, 2012

Technology is defined as the systematic knowledge for product manufacture and service provision in industry, farming and commercial fields and knowledge is reflected in inventions, utility models, designs, and in data forms. In this definition, it not all knowledge is included. That is, it must be able to be transferred and it must be systematic knowledge that can satisfy needs and problems that arise in special fields of human activity including industry, farming and commerce. So , there are three standards in the definition of technology. First knowledge must be systematic. This means that it must be organized in terms of providing solutions to problems. Second, knowledge must exist in certain places lke in someone’s head or in documents, and must be able to be presented, so no matter what it means it must be able to be transferred from one person to another. Third it must have purpose –orientation, so that it can be utilized for useful purpose in industry, farming and commercial fields.

Technology transfer is a more active term. It implies interaction between technology sponsors and users and results in actual innovation. It refers to all the activities leading to the appropriate adoption of a new product or procedure by any group of users. It is not simply information dissemination; that is, it is not simply sending out information whatever the form and then passively awaiting its use.

In the broadest sense, technology transfer is a process of communication that results in putting research findings or new information into practice. Research is implemented as a results of technology transfer activity, whether the process of technology transfer us formally engaged in or not. Implementation of research Is more likely to occur, however, when technology transfer is practiced formally and purposefully.

Technology transfer is defined as the movement of technological and technology related organizational know-how among partners in order to enhance at least one partner’s knowledge and expertise and strengthen each partners’ competitive position.

Technology transfer occur at all stage of technology innovation process integrate from initial idea to final product. These processes integrate multiple functions, including organized research and development design, production engineering, manufacturing, marketing and other value adding activities in a complex web containing multiple feedback loops. Like the innovation process proper, technology transfer is usually iterative, involving multiple transfer steps. Many have said that technology transfer is successful only if it results in positive change. Teaching a new skill or method may not really qualify as technology transfer unless, and until, it results in change. The challenge, therefore, is to insist in having successful technology transfer, and not simply an exchange of information.

 Technology transfer as a broad set of processes covering the flow of know-how, experience and equipment for mitigating and adapting to climate change amongst different stakeholders such as governments, private sector entities, financial institutions, non-governmental organizations and research institutions.

Technology transfer is a process by which existing technology is transferred or transformed to fulfill the user’s needs.

Technology transfer is the process by which research and other new technologies are transferred into useful processes, products and programs. Another way of saying the same thing is; technology transfer is the process by which a better way of doing something is put into use as quickly as possible.

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